15 April 2008

Contributions Wanted!

Ah ok so it has been a REALLY long time since I did anything for this! Basically when I came up with the concept I didn't have much work to do at work, and of course, the only time I ever do any of this stuff is during work hours. Now for some reason, I am strangely busy at work. Add to that, my boss has put a window in his office and he can now look directly into my office! So it is unlikely I'll be having street art conversations myself for a while. But this is not just about ME, it's about EVERYONE, ART and COMMUNICATION!

So if anyone's out there, please email me photos of your art conversing with other art. Tell me the city and country, and I'll post it up!

Thanks for your interest!

29 January 2008


...coming soon to a street near you ...depending where you live